Welcome to the Focus Wand.

Cognitive Assistive Reading Tools for Neurodiverse Readers

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The Focus Wand

Instantly Improve Eye Fixation and Engagement:

  • Visual Focus: Reduces visual strain and facilitates precise word recognition, ideal for individuals who vocalise/subvocalise, benefiting those with dyslexia who may struggle with word decoding.

  • Smooth Tracking: Enhances visual motor processing and accuracy, promotes fluid eye movements, and improves stability, which is crucial for overcoming visual discrimination challenges common in ADHD.

.Consistent Use will Improve Cognitive Processing and Immersion:

  • Speed Control: Tailors speed to cognitive needs. Manages reading speed to ensure comprehension across all text, aiding those with ADHD in maintaining focus on detailed information without being overwhelmed.

  • Concentration Enhancement: Modulates sensory input and creates new neural pathways, enhancing concentration and memory retention, supporting executive functioning in neurodivergent individuals.

  • Deepened Comprehension: Improves precision and focus, crucial for those with autism who require clarity and detail to fully understand textual content and enhancing precision and focus, particularly beneficial for transitioning learners from foundational to mastery levels.

  • Visualisation and Memory: Supports visual perception and aids in forming mental images, enhancing long-term memory retention, beneficial for dyslexic learners who benefit from visual-spatial learning aids.

Holistic Development and Excellence:

  • Consistency and Habit Formation: Encourages consistent use of the Focus Wand to develop and reinforce positive reading habits, integrating sensory and cognitive development strategies.

  • Ergonomic and Sensory Management: Caters to sensory needs by providing tactile feedback and kinesthetic interaction, enhancing fine motor skills and coordination by synchronising hands/fingers and eyes, which is crucial and reducing cognitive overload through ergonomic design, crucial for autistic learners who require sensory regulation.

  • Emotional and Cognitive Growth: Bolster’s emotional well-being and self-confidence by transforming reading into a tool for personal empowerment and comprehensive cognitive development.

Advanced Features of Green Tracking Tips for Enhanced Capability and Engagement:

  • General Benefits:

    • Reduces Stress and Increases Engagement: The soothing green stimulates the eyes, offering calming and relaxing effects while energising them for greater focus and attention. This helps reduce stress and strain, making it easier to sustain reading, which is especially beneficial for readers with sensory processing differences.

    • Supports Neurodivergent Individuals: Enhances reading fluency, comprehension, and retention for individuals with autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and visual processing disorders.

    • Promotes Ergonomic Health: Encourages a comfortable reading posture, reducing visual and physical strain during prolonged sessions.

  • Specific Tracking Tips:

    • NeoTip: Minimal and streamlined, perfect for users not needing a large tip. Ideal for those requiring minimal distraction and streamlined navigation across text.

    • NeoCurve: Larger than NeoTip, offering a middle-focused tip. Angled for posture control, for ease of control.

    • NeoCurve Max: A larger focused tip than NeoCurve, also angled for posture control, enhancing ease and focus for those needing a bigger tip.

    • NeoEdge: Same size as NeoCurve, but straight, providing greater flexibility in posture and control.

    • NeoEdge Max: Similar to NeoCurve Max in size, but straight, offering flexibility and extensive coverage for enhanced text engagement and control.

Additional Cognitive and Behavioral Benefits:

  • Distractibility: Minimises external distractions, enabling focused engagement, which is often challenging for individuals with ADHD.

  • Sequencing Difficulties: Aids in correctly sequencing words and lines, improving logical flow and comprehension, crucial for dyslexic readers..

  • Executive Functioning: Enhances abilities to plan, organise, and allocate attention effectively, supporting complex cognitive tasks during reading and supporting individuals with executive function challenges common in ADHD and autism.

  • Clarity of Thought: Enhance the capacity for predictive processing, inductive reasoning, theory of mind, and central coherence by actively engaging and maintaining heightened concentration. This can be achieved by utilising the Neo tip for precise text tracking, the StimGrip for sensory modulation, and strategies to reduce cognitive load.

It's a no-brainer, but here is more about why you should purchase the Focus Wand.

  • Consistency in Use:

    • Every aspect of the Tracking Tips is designed with the user in mind, ensuring a seamless integration into daily reading practices.

  • Research-Backed:

    • The development of the Focus Wand and its Tracking Tips is grounded in extensive research, establishing them as premier aids in the market.

The Integration Reading Technique (IRT): A Vital Component

  • Engage, Immerse, Excel:

    • Discover how the Focus Wand utilizes the Integration Reading Technique to enhance cognitive processing, visual perception, and attention through systematic and progressive stages.

Build your own bespoke bundle that is customised to your specific cognitive profile.

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Pre-selected bundles

The Power of Precision: Guide on the Tracking Tips

Specially Formulated for Neurodivergent Readers

(All Tracking Tips are interchangeable with the Focus Wand)

1. NeoTip

Empowering Tool: Ideal for overcoming reading challenges, it promotes fluency and retention.
Ergonomic & Intuitive: Designed for comfort, they support prolonged reading without strain
  • Design Focus: The NeoTip is slim and streamlined, making it ideal for users who might be overwhelmed by more complex aids, emphasising ease of use and minimal distractions.

  • Functionality: Enhances reading by providing a subtle visual cue that helps focus and track text line by line, particularly useful for readers with ADHD and dyslexia.

  • Ergonomic Benefits: Promotes a natural reading rhythm and reduces the effort needed to maintain focus, which is valuable during extended reading sessions.

2. NeoCurve

The NeoCurve is meticulously designed tip allows for seamless following along the lines of text, ensuring a smoother reading flow without losing your place.
NeoCurve is a line of collection for the Focus Wand to aid reading for ADHD
  • Design Focus: The NeoCurve has an angled, ergonomic design that aligns with natural eye and hand movements, offering a larger surface for underlining text and a comfortable grip.

  • Functionality: This tip guides the reader’s eye through the text with minimal effort, supporting the development of reading skills and reducing visual strain.

  • Motor Coordination Support: Its design minimises physical effort and maximises reading comfort, especially for readers with motor coordination difficulties.

3. NeoCurve Max

The NeoCurve Max offers a unique angle for those with fine motor coordination and visual struggles.
Guided Reading Ease with NeoCurve Max that leads the way through text with minimal distraction, making reading accessible for learners and those with reading challenges.
  • Design Focus: The NeoCurve Max provides a broad contact area with an angled tip, which is crucial for individuals with limited movement, making it easier to handle and navigate through text.

  • Functionality: Offers stability and enhanced line tracking, significantly aiding readers with severe dyslexia, ADHD, and other reading challenges by providing pronounced visual cues.

  • Motor Coordination Support: The design focuses on aiding those with motor coordination issues, ensuring minimal distractions and maximum concentration during reading sessions.

4. NeoEdge

Introducing the groundbreaking  NeoEdge Max for the Focus Wand – a revolutionary tool designed to redefine the way we read.
NeoEdge Max your number one reading aid for ADHD, autism and dyslexic
NeoEdge is the latest innovation from the Focus Wand lineup, designed to offer a straightforward, effective solution to enhance reading accuracy and fluency.
NeoEdge technology that combines smooth guidance with precision, ideal for readers seeking a balance between simplicity and functionality, reducing stress and enhancing focus for both neurodivergent readers and the wider reading community
  • Design Focus: The NeoEdge features a flat, medium-sized design that strikes a balance between simplicity and functionality, suitable for a broad range of reading styles.

  • Functionality: Supports smooth, uninterrupted movement across lines of text, enhancing reading accuracy and fluency for readers with challenges like autism and visual processing disorders.

  • Ergonomic Benefits: Its moderate size and design facilitate a comfortable reading posture, enabling extended reading sessions without fatigue.

5. NeoEdge Max

  • Design Focus: The NeoEdge Max has a large, flat tip that provides a broad surface area, allowing for precise tracking across, under, or over lines of text with enhanced control.

  • Functionality: Its size and design are optimised for advanced reading techniques, enabling quick understanding and better retention of complex texts, ideal for advanced readers.

  • Ergonomic and Cognitive Benefits: Minimises distractions and maximises concentration, significantly reducing the effort needed to maintain focus, which is particularly valuable during prolonged reading sessions.


  • Ideal Age Range: The Focus Wand is suitable for children starting to read together and engaging with books, children learning to read, and all above who can understand and grasp text but struggle with maintaining focus and comprehension. This includes children, teenagers, and adults.

    • Customisation: Allows you to tailor the Focus Wand to specific needs, selecting tracking tips and features that best support your reading challenges.

    • Packages: Pre-selected combinations of tools designed for common reading difficulties, providing a ready-made solution for ease of use.

  • Comprehensive Resources: Yes, all packages include essential resources such as user guides, training tips, and access to customer support. Each package is curated to address different reading profiles and needs, but they all provide the same high-quality materials.

  • Expert Support: Absolutely. Our knowledgeable support team is available to discuss your specific needs, answer any questions, and help you choose the best configuration of the Focus Wand. Contact us via phone, email, or live chat.

    • Visual Focus: Reduces visual strain and facilitates precise word recognition, which is ideal for individuals who vocalize/subvocalize and those with dyslexia struggling with word decoding.

    • Smooth Tracking: Enhances visual motor processing, promotes fluid eye movements, and improves stability, which is crucial for overcoming visual discrimination challenges common in ADHD.

    • Speed Control: Tailors reading speed to cognitive needs, ensuring comprehension without overwhelming the reader, especially beneficial for individuals with ADHD.

    • Concentration Enhancement: Modulates sensory input, creating new neural pathways and enhancing concentration and memory retention, supporting executive functioning in neurodivergent individuals.

    • Deepened Comprehension: Improves precision and focus, crucial for those with autism who require clarity and detail to understand textual content fully.

    • Visualisation and Memory: It supports visual perception and aids in forming mental images, enhancing long-term memory retention. This is particularly beneficial for dyslexic learners.

    • Consistency and Habit Formation: Encourages regular use to develop and reinforce positive reading habits, integrating sensory and cognitive development strategies.

    • Ergonomic and Sensory Management: Provides tactile feedback and kinesthetic interaction, enhancing fine motor skills and coordination, reducing cognitive overload through ergonomic design.

    • Emotional and Cognitive Growth: Boosts emotional well-being and self-confidence by transforming reading into a tool for personal empowerment and comprehensive cognitive development.

    • Reduces Stress and Increases Engagement: The soothing green colour helps reduce stress and maintain focus, especially beneficial for readers with sensory processing differences.

    • Supports Neurodivergent Individuals: Enhances reading fluency, comprehension, and retention for individuals with autism, dyslexia, ADHD, and visual processing disorders.

    • Promotes Ergonomic Health: Encourages a comfortable reading posture, reducing visual and physical strain during prolonged sessions.

    • Distractibility: Minimises external distractions, enabling focused engagement, which is often challenging for individuals with ADHD.

    • Sequencing Difficulties: Aids in correctly sequencing words and lines, improving logical flow and comprehension, crucial for dyslexic readers.

    • Executive Functioning: Enhances abilities to plan, organise, and allocate attention effectively, supporting complex cognitive tasks during reading, especially for individuals with executive function challenges common in ADHD and autism.

    • Consistency in Use: Designed for seamless integration into daily reading practices, ensuring regular use and benefits.

    • Research-Backed: Developed based on extensive research, establishing it as a premier aid in the market for addressing the specific challenges of ADHD, ASC, and Dyslexia.

    • Integration Reading Technique (IRT): Utilizes systematic and progressive stages to enhance cognitive processing, visual perception, and attention.

  • Create Your Perfect Bundle: Yes, you can customise your Focus Wand to fit your needs by selecting from various options available on our website.

  • 1. NeoTip:

    • Design Focus: Slim and streamlined for ease of use and minimal distractions.

    • Functionality: Provides subtle visual cues for focus and tracking, useful for ADHD and dyslexia.

    • Ergonomic Benefits: Promotes a natural reading rhythm and reduces effort during extended sessions.

    2. NeoCurve:

    • Design Focus: Angled, ergonomic design for natural eye and hand movements.

    • Functionality: Guides the eye with minimal effort, reducing visual strain.

    • Motor Coordination Support: Minimises physical effort and maximises reading comfort.

    3. NeoCurve Max:

    • Design Focus: Broad contact area with an angled tip, easy to handle.

    • Functionality: Provides stability and enhanced line tracking.

    • Motor Coordination Support: Aids those with motor coordination issues.

    4. NeoEdge:

    • Design Focus: Flat, medium-sized design for simplicity and functionality.

    • Functionality: Supports smooth, uninterrupted movement across text.

    • Ergonomic Benefits: Facilitates a comfortable reading posture.

    5. NeoEdge Max:

    • Design Focus: Large, flat tip for precise tracking with enhanced control.

    • Functionality: Optimised for advanced reading techniques.

    • Ergonomic and Cognitive Benefits: Minimises distractions and maximises concentration.

Our customer service team is here to help! Feel free to contact us through live chat, email, or phone for personalised assistance.