Dream it.
What is your dream? What do you visualise? How are you going to make it a reality?
It all starts with a dream, a visualisation. A life you see yourself living. The person you want to be. Believe that you can and will make it a reality.
You can make your dreams a reality by BUILDING, LEARNING, and ACTION.
Build it.
Like building Lego, you have to start with the 1st piece. Once you lay the 1st piece, begin to build on it.
Learn about yourself. What are your likes and interests? What you don’t like and are not interested in.
Learn about what you like to do, where you would like to be in life and your career.
Whatever medium you use and why you are motivated to learn, make sure to use it. ACTION and EXPERIENCE!
You learn to think differently in the building stage—a different PERSPECTIVE which opens new doors to life.
Grow from it.
You'll learn what works and what doesn't by ACTION, and experience leads to GROWTH!
You’ll learn a sense of self through the journey of growth and in time, what it means to be you.
That growth will lead you to a better life, a greater understanding of you and experience better things in your life. Leading in the long run, to you being HAPPY!
Read by picturing the scene in your mind’s eye… the big words, put it into a picture.
Dont sub-vocalization linking or connecting words
Push yourself to read faster, beyond your average speed
Train to read with peripheral vision
Lower subvocalisation
Don’t go backwards. Continue to read to the end of the chapter
Use the mind’s eye to picture, ply story and link words to an image for better memory retention
Chunk words together
Understand what the points are in the chapter
Skip back over important information
Skip lines of words once you know and understand the points being made
Listen to a fast beat. It helps with pacing as you read
Focus on nouns and verbs
Prime brain by reading testimonials, author comments, chapters
By missing linking/connecting words, you can increase your reading speed by 20%
You only need 50% to 80% comprehension to understand the overall message.